My Story

Hi, I’m Lori!

I have spent the last 15 years as a massage therapist and Reiki Master in Huntsville, Alabama. I have long been fascinated by the human body and its ability to heal itself. It has been rewarding to help my clients move through injuries and discomfort to find more balanced structure and function.

I first received structural integration 17 years ago after a car accident that left me in chronic pain. As I moved through the 10-series, the release of deep fascial layers provided me with pain relief and a more stabilized structure. I have believed in the power of this work ever since.

My training in Boulder, Colorado, at the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute deepened my understanding of the complexity of structural and somatic work. My extraordinary instructors and mentors have fueled my passion for this work.

When I am not working, I enjoy hiking and volunteering with The Land Trust of North Alabama, gardening, kayaking, and woodworking.

Body and somatic work energizes me, and I look forward to sharing these modalities with the community.